Dollhouse Decorating

Miniature Decorating Ideas |Articles on decorating dollhouses and the history of this artform


I have had a life-long love affair with dollhouse miniatures, and careers in art education and interior design. I hope to combine these life experiences to help other miniature enthusiasts get more out of this wonderful hobby we enjoy, a hobby that often reaches the level of an art form. Susan Downing

Posted on 15 December, 2018


Singapore Airlines cabins – No Detail Is Too Small

Miniatures In TV Commercials

Isn’t great that dollhouse miniatures are attracting enough attention that creative minds on Madison Avenue are bringing the 1:12th scale world into popular culture? These four short videos show a great way to deliver a sponsor’s message, wire a miniature box to receive that commercial and a really great room in which to watch it.

Singapore Airlines

The “No Detail Too Small” title of this video is an indication of the skill the miniature artisan has in creating the seating arrangements for an Airbus A380 double-deck airliner. There’s a sub-title to this commercial: “Singapore Airlines cabins in 1,000 hours and using 100 envelopes.” Wait ’til you see the number of patterns the artisan uses, just for 3 seats. , the next time I go to Singapore, I want to book a “suite.” (more…)

Posted by Susan Downing

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Posted on 12 December, 2018

Will Hunt's General Store

Will Hunt’s General Store

Will Hunt’s General Store

My great-grandfather Will Hunt had an amazing life. As a teenager, he was part of a posse that ran Jesse James out of Huntington, WV. On his 100th birthday, we watched Neil Armstrong walk on the moon. I made this room box to keep his memory alive.  This flip-book is made from the pages of the Dollhouse Miniature Magazine about how I got hooked on miniatures.  Click on the Dollhouse Miniatures cover to read the flipbook.

Posted by Patrick Owens

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Posted on 02 December, 2018


Josje Bouwt’s Slaapkamer

Creating A Color Scheme

If you are starting a project from scratch, without a photograph from which to work, creating a color scheme can be a daunting task. There are so many choices, especially with contemporary and modern dollhouses. Where does one start?


Posted by Patrick Owens

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Posted on 29 November, 2018


Tate Baby House, on exhibit at the V&A Museum, London

Traveling Dolls Houses

The Social Structure

In 17th century Britain, Peers of the Realm controlled vast areas of land. Controlled, that is if they kept up the agreed income to the Crown. Fall short, and a Marquess, Viscount or Baron risked losing all or a portion of his land. It was customary a Peer to tour his holdings as soon as roads dried in the early summer and continue “showing the flag” until the first frost.


Posted by Patrick Owens

Categories: recycled

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