Dollhouse Decorating

Miniature Decorating Ideas |Articles on decorating dollhouses and the history of this artform


I have had a life-long love affair with dollhouse miniatures, and careers in art education and interior design. I hope to combine these life experiences to help other miniature enthusiasts get more out of this wonderful hobby we enjoy, a hobby that often reaches the level of an art form. Susan Downing

Posted on 21 August, 2016


The Taverna Angel Sierra, Madrid found on the CultureStrip

Hernan Buljevich, Miniaturist

Argentinian artist Hernán Buljevich recreates well-known bars and restaurants in 1/12 scale. He began thinking about miniatures at university while studying to be an architect. It was a natural progression, as he was accustomed to working with various scales and drawings. The next step was to create replicas of existing places he liked, to create the essence of a place and its charm in a miniature. He believes accuracy is very important, but even more so is to give the work life.


Posted by Susan Downing

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Posted on 20 August, 2016


Colleen Moore and the Fairy Castle, found on Last Looks: With Myke The Makeup Guy

Colleen Moore’s Fairy Castle

Consider this a belated birthday card to Colleen Moore. Kathleen Savage Browning reminded us on her Facebook Page that Moore was born August 19, 1899. I’m glad Kathleen is keeping track, and hope she is doing it for other notable figures in the dollhouse miniature universe. It gives us all a greater appreciation of the individuals that have elevated the hobby to an art form when the work is at its best.

Following is the story of Colleen Moore’s the Fairy Castle, which I found on the Chicago Museum of Science & Industry website:


Posted by Susan Downing

Categories: amazing miniatures

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Posted on 16 August, 2016


Rick Maccione of Dollhouse Mansions

Queen Anne Mansions

Queen Anne mansions represent a type of highly ornamented English architectural style popular from the mid-Victorian era until the Edwardians took over around 1910. The style migrated to North America about the time western cities in Canada and the United States were expanding. It came to represent the ambitious aspirations of the wealthy in the western states and Canada. Smaller versions of the grand mansions filtered down to the middle class, making it the most popular residential style of the late 19th century.


Posted by Susan Downing

Categories: Queen Anne

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Posted on 14 August, 2016


Thorne Room Tennessee Entrance Hall

Dollhouse Museum Research

Ellen Egan’s article on making dollhouse museums as part of your research and inspiration mentions 4 of the world’s best. I have added four more dollhouse miniature museums, all right here in the United States.

Susan Downing


Doing Research For Your Dollhouse By Visiting Dollhouse Museums
By Ellen Egan

An important part of planning the details of your dollhouse is doing a bit of research. Perhaps you want to find out a bit more about the historical period you are trying to represent. Or, perhaps your dollhouse has a theme and you want to be sure to get the details right. You can do some of this research online and at your local library. But, a fun way to research and get ideas is by visiting a dollhouse museum.


Posted by Susan Downing

Categories: museums

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