Category Archives: amazing miniatures

Posted on 29 December, 2019

The following post is an edited compilation of material found on the National Museum of Miniatures & Toys website regarding the Coleman Dollhouse.

A Dollhouse Like No Other

At first glance inside T/m’s dollhouse exhibit, Let’s Play House, the gigantic Coleman Dollhouse might appear to be one of the trendy “tiny houses.” We love superlatives around


Posted by Susan Downing

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Posted on 08 November, 2019


Artist Thomas Burke of Wilmington, DE, built this luxury 9-foot tall birdhouse for George Lucas.

George Lucas Birdhouse

I was searching the Internet for interesting dollhouses and was excited to see this 19th-century “miniature.” It looked huge compared to the builder posing with it. I was disappointed to read the caption and discover that it was a custom birdhouse given to George Lukas of Star Wars fame as a Christmas present. This is a departure from the dollhouse miniature posts I usually, but it’s a beautiful construction, built by a talented craftsman. And it’s a pleasant story

I found this article on the Skywalker Ranch Birdhouse on Woodworking Network.


Posted by Susan Downing

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Posted on 23 October, 2019


Frans Bosdyk and the Dollhouse on exhibit at the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney

The Bosdyk Dollhouse

It took 15,000 hours and many thousands of dollars for materials spent on the work. Frans Bosdyk made most of the furniture, which he researched in ‘Antique Furniture in Australia’ by Anthony Hill, and developed special lathes to turn the tiny wooden parts. He also fashioned his own tiny hand tools from 75-100mm concrete nails to make it easier for him to handle the small pieces. He used silky oak, cedar, myrtle and


Posted by Susan Downing

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Posted on 04 October, 2019


The Catherine Palace Amber Room found on The Magical Dollhouse

Robert Dawson, Miniature Artisan

When Kathleen Savage Browning announced the acquisition of the Catherine Palace, I was pleased that a work by Robert Dawson would be at the Kentucky Gateway Museum Center. I run across his name often, when searching for article ideas and thought this would be a good time to learn more about him.


Posted by Patrick Owens

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