Posted on 11 February, 2018
Categories: bathroom, modern dollhouses
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Posted on 01 March, 2016
Accessorizing Halls, Bedrooms, Nurseries and Bathrooms
NOTE: As was true in Part 1 (Kitchen, Lounge & Dining Room), the following article by Julia Morrison is an excellent guide for the basic items you will need to accessorize the 4 rooms in the title. Of course, you have decisions to make before buying the listed items. In what era does your project take place? (again, I chose Edwardian images). Aristocracy or We-The-People? Even before that, dollhouse or room box? Are you recreating a memory, copying a room from a painting or photograph? What’s your budget? Here’s Julie Morrison’s article.
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Posted on 06 August, 2015

The Queen’s Bath at Leeds Castle in Kent. Henry VIII made this castle his principal home when he married Katherine of Aragon – wife #1.
Tudor Bathing Habits
The Tudors gave us the first room devoted to bathing, even the first indoor plumbing since the Romans. The Tudor version included hot water. But that comes at the end of the Tudor era and was affordable only by the very rich.