Category Archives: furniture

Posted on 16 September, 2016


Thorne Room (unidentified)

Mid-Victorian Furniture

Mid-Victorian furniture design continued the practice of reviving and blending old styles. Add to that, increased world trade introduced middle-eastern and Asian elements to the mix. No particular style dominated. Rather, furniture designers drew inspiration from Elizabethan, Neoclassical and other periods. And it could all be done with machines.


Posted by Patrick Owens

Categories: furniture, Victorian

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Posted on 04 September, 2016


Miss Amy Miles Dolls’ House, at the Victoria & Albert Museum

Early Victorian Furniture

Queen Victoria’s reign over the British Empire lasted sixty-four years (1837-1901). Many styles of furniture rose and fell in popularity in that time. Combined, they have earned the generic classification – Victorian. There is one common thread, however. Victoria loved ornate styles. Generally, think of cluttered rooms, full of heavy furniture, and surrounded by plants, bulky fabrics and lots of china and glassware. The later Victorian era saw a modest lessening of overcrowded rooms until her son Albert (Bertie) succeeded to the throne as Edward VII and extravagance became the decorating principle.


Posted by Patrick Owens

Categories: furniture, Victorian

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Posted on 25 July, 2016


Akameru Kawaii Fainting Couch & Video Tutorial

Fainting Couch

The fainting couch was designed primarily for women who were feeling … well, a bit faint! An off-shoot of the chaise lounge, it not only had a raised back at one end but that back wrapped around one side, giving the 19th-century lady with a touch of the vapors a safe place to land. Gracefully. (more…)

Posted by Patrick Owens

Categories: furniture, Victorian

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