Dollhouse Decorating

Miniature Decorating Ideas |Articles on decorating dollhouses and the history of this artform


I have had a life-long love affair with dollhouse miniatures, and careers in art education and interior design. I hope to combine these life experiences to help other miniature enthusiasts get more out of this wonderful hobby we enjoy, a hobby that often reaches the level of an art form. Susan Downing

Posted on 19 September, 2016


The Killer Cabinet, Victoria & Albert Museum, London

Killer Cabinet – A True Story

This gorgeous cabinet dollhouse belonged to John Egerton Killer, of Manchester. He wanted to amuse the many ladies in his family by providing them with a baby house. Cabinet dollhouses were popular in the 1830s, so he ordered a copy of a favorite cabinet in his office. Guess his profession. John Egerton Killer was a surgeon!


Posted by Susan Downing

Categories: cabinet, dollhouses, Regency

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Posted on 16 September, 2016


Thorne Room (unidentified)

Mid-Victorian Furniture

Mid-Victorian furniture design continued the practice of reviving and blending old styles. Add to that, increased world trade introduced middle-eastern and Asian elements to the mix. No particular style dominated. Rather, furniture designers drew inspiration from Elizabethan, Neoclassical and other periods. And it could all be done with machines.


Posted by Patrick Owens

Categories: furniture, Victorian

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Posted on 15 September, 2016


Artist Thomas Burke of Wilmington, DE, built this luxury 9-foot tall birdhouse for George Lucas.

George Lucas Birdhouse

I was searching the Internet for interesting dollhouses and was excited to see this 19th-century “miniature.” It looked huge compared to the builder posing with it. I was disappointed to read the caption and discover that it was a custom birdhouse given to George Lukas of Star Wars fame as a Christmas present. This is a departure from the dollhouse miniature posts I usually, but it’s a beautiful construction, built by a talented craftsman. And it’s a pleasant story

I found this article on the Skywalker Ranch Birdhouse on Woodworking Network.


Posted by Susan Downing

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Posted on 12 September, 2016


Mexican Mansion Dollhouse found on Monica Monteiro”s Flickr photostream

Mexican Mansion Dollhouse

This small mansion is believed to be a copy of a house which once stood in Puebla. It was discovered in an antique shop in Puebla in the spring of 1977. Although the facade of the house has some Moorish features, it is French in flavor, a reflection of many full-sized


Posted by Susan Downing

Categories: amazing miniatures, museums

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